RBY is one of the most versatile companies in the resource sector specialising in managing and delivering large-sale projects. Specifically servicing the Coal Seam Gas Sector we provide construction, maintenance and rehabilitation services to key companies including Origin Energy and QGC/Shell. RBY focus on delivering long term opportunities which provide sustainability and better outcomes to the community and our staff. Read more about our current projects below.
Cultural Heritage Management
Manaji Projects was created in 2018 to compliment RBY, when we identified an opportunity to provide an all inclusive system that met the expectations of our clients and provided more scope for skill development and further employability, as opposed to the traditional ad hoc nature of the work. Manaji provides Cultural Heritage and Labour Hire Services to companies operating in the resource and construction sector. Read more about Manaji here.
Local and Indigenous Engagement
RBY are strongly committed to projects that support local communities as we believe that local engagement is in the interest of resource developers and local people. RBY promote community sustainability by ensuring that local groups are able to benefit from work occurring on and around their traditional and local land. RBY have maintained a local employment rate of 50-65% and Indigenous employment rate of 30-45% during the course of their projects.
Debbie Stanley Commercial Manager
Deb has over 20 years experience within the finance industry and has been with RBY since 2015.
Debbie Stanley Commercial Manager
Deb has over 20 years experience within the finance industry and has been with RBY since 2015.
Debbie Stanley Commercial Manager
Deb has over 20 years experience within the finance industry and has been with RBY since 2015.
Debbie Stanley Commercial Manager
Deb has over 20 years experience within the finance industry and has been with RBY since 2015.
Derek Flucker Managing Director
Derek has successfully managed contracting companies in the resource and CSG sector for the past 20+ years. Read more about Derek's achievements here.
Josie Shaw Business Support Manager
Josie started her professional career with RBY in 2012 and has remained committed to versatility across the business. Read more about Josie's experience here.
Debbie Stanley Commercial Manager
Deb has over 20 years experience within the finance industry and has been with RBY since 2015.
Year Established
Lost Time
Awards Won
Client Origin Energy
Location Talinga/Orana
Commencement 2020
Est. Completion 2024
Project Overview
Civil works and maintenance including:
Off seal repairs (shoulder grade, shoulder re-sheeting, shoulder potholes)
Light formation grading
Heavy formation grading
Gravel re-sheeting
Desilt and repair table drains, catch drains and diversion drains
Erosion repairs and sediment control device installation and management
Vegetation management, mowing, slashing, whipper snipping, spraying, mulching
Pipe support infrastructure maintenance for dams and tanks
Dust suppression
Material haulage
Site rehabilitation
General maintenance
Client QGC/Shell
Location Surat Basin
Commencement 2013
Est. Completion 2025
Project Overview
Maintenance and upkeep of road network across all fields including:
Light formation grading
Heavy formation grading
Gravel re-sheeting
Installation and clearing/repair of drains
Dust suppression
Gravel patching
Rehabilitation and remediation works
Slashing, mulching
General maintenance
project history available upon request
Contact Us
(07) 3245 6933
62 Balmoral Street
Hawthorne QLD 4171